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Busan Spa Land centum city guide

by ktravelinfo 2024. 6. 21.

Busan, South Korea's second-largest city, is renowned for its diverse tourist attractions and rich cultural heritage. Among its many highlights, 'Spa Land' stands out as a popular destination for both locals and tourists seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Spa Land is a large-scale spa facility that offers a unique blend of comfort and healing through various themed zones and facilities. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of Busan Spa Land, including its various amenities, activities, and helpful tips for making the most of your visit.



Overview of Spa Land

Located in the heart of Busan's Haeundae district, Spa Land is situated within the Shinsegae Centum City, the world's largest department store complex. This prime location makes it a convenient stop for those looking to combine shopping, culture, and leisure in one trip. Spa Land occupies the first and second floors of the Shinsegae Centum City and features a total of 22 different spa and sauna facilities, each designed to provide a unique experience.

busan spaland
busan spa land


Admission and Operating Hours

Spa Land operates with different schedules for weekdays and weekends. Generally, it opens from 6 AM to midnight, and on weekends, it stays open until 2 AM. Admission fees vary depending on the time of day and the day of the week. Typically, visiting during weekday daytime hours is more affordable, while weekends, holidays, and nighttime visits come with a slightly higher fee.


Facilities Guide

Spa Land's facilities are divided into three main categories: jjimjilbang (Korean-style sauna), spa baths, and relaxation areas. Each facility offers distinct themes and atmospheres, allowing visitors to customize their relaxation experience.



Spa Land's jjimjilbang area features a variety of rooms, each with different temperatures and themes, reflecting traditional Korean sauna culture.

Charcoal Room: Utilizing the purifying effects of charcoal, this room is beneficial for skin care and detoxification.
Yellow Earth Room: Featuring the heat of yellow earth, this room helps improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.
Ice Room: Ideal for cooling down after a hot sauna, this room offers a refreshing atmosphere with cool air.


Spa Baths

The spa bath area includes various themed and temperature-controlled baths, each designed to provide a unique therapeutic experience.

Body Scrub Spa: A spa dedicated to exfoliation and skin care, offering professional scrub services.
Aromatherapy Spa: Utilizing aromatic oils, this spa helps reduce stress and promote mental and physical relaxation.
Outdoor Bath: Enjoy a soothing bath outdoors with fresh air and natural surroundings, perfect for unwinding.


Relaxation Areas

Spa Land's relaxation areas are equipped with a variety of amenities to ensure visitors can rest comfortably after their spa sessions.

Relaxation Lounge: Furnished with cozy chairs and sofas, this lounge is perfect for reading or napping.
Healing Room: A quiet, serene space designed for mental relaxation, offering various healing programs.
Cafes and Restaurants: Offering a range of beverages and snacks, these dining areas provide a convenient way to satisfy your hunger during your visit.


Tips for Visiting Spa Land

To make the most of your visit to Spa Land, here are some useful tips:

Visit Early: Spa Land tends to be less crowded during weekday mornings, making it an ideal time for a peaceful experience.
Stay Hydrated: With the heat and sweat from saunas and spas, it's essential to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Take Breaks: Avoid using the spas and saunas consecutively. Instead, take breaks in the relaxation areas to pace yourself and maintain your energy levels.
Wear Comfortable Clothing: While Spa Land provides basic attire and towels, bringing your own comfortable clothing can enhance your relaxation experience.


Programs and Events

Spa Land regularly hosts a variety of programs and events, including yoga classes, meditation sessions, and skincare workshops. These activities add to the richness of the spa experience. Check the official website or onsite information for the current schedule of programs and events you can participate in during your visit.


Nearby Attractions

Spa Land's prime location in Haeundae means that there are plenty of nearby attractions to explore before or after your visit.

Haeundae Beach: One of Busan's most famous beaches, offering beautiful coastal views and a relaxing atmosphere.
Dongbaekseom Island: A scenic island near Haeundae Beach, perfect for a leisurely walk with stunning natural scenery.
Busan Aquarium: A great place for families, featuring a wide variety of marine life and interactive exhibits.


Other Spa Facilities in Busan

In addition to Spa Land, Busan boasts several other spa facilities, each offering unique services and atmospheres.

Healing Spa: Located in Namcheon-dong, Healing Spa features various themed saunas and spas popular with families.
Paradise Spa: Situated in the Paradise Hotel in Haeundae, this spa offers luxurious facilities and services.
Vesta Spa: Located in Gwangalli, Vesta Spa provides beautiful views of the Gwangandaegyo Bridge while enjoying spa treatments.




Busan Spa Land is a premier destination for those seeking to unwind and rejuvenate through an array of spa and sauna facilities. With its comprehensive range of services and amenities, Spa Land offers a memorable experience for visitors of all ages. By following the tips and information provided in this guide, you can maximize your visit and enjoy a truly relaxing and healing time. During your trip to Busan, make sure to include a visit to Spa Land and indulge in a special moment of tranquility and wellness.