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Oryukdo Sky Walk Guide tips

by ktravelinfo 2024. 7. 2.

Oryukdo Sky Walk, located in Busan, South Korea, is a breathtakingly beautiful tourist destination that offers visitors a unique experience. As a glass-floored observatory extending out over the sea, it provides panoramic views of the rugged coastline, the turquoise waters of the Sea of Japan, and the majestic Oryukdo Islands. This guide will walk you through the various aspects of the Sky Walk, from its historical and geographical context to practical tips for visiting, ensuring you make the most of your experience.



Historical and Geographical Context

Historical Background

Oryukdo, meaning "five or six islands," refers to the group of rocky islets off the coast of Busan. The name stems from the fact that the number of visible islands varies depending on the tide and viewpoint. Historically, these islands have served as important navigational markers for sailors and have been subjects of numerous local legends and folklore.

The Sky Walk itself is a relatively recent addition, inaugurated in 2013 as part of Busan's efforts to bolster tourism and provide unique experiences that showcase the city's natural beauty. This modern structure stands as a testament to contemporary engineering and design, blending seamlessly with the dramatic natural landscape.

Geographical Setting

The Oryukdo Sky Walk is situated on the southern coast of Busan, within the Nam-gu district. The surrounding area is characterized by steep cliffs, rocky shores, and the deep blue expanse of the ocean. The Sky Walk extends from the mainland, hovering 35 meters above the sea, offering visitors an exhilarating perspective of the coast and islands.

The location also provides a great vantage point for observing the diverse marine life and the dynamic interplay between the sea and the rocky outcrops. On clear days, the visibility extends far into the horizon, creating a sense of boundless space and freedom.

Oryukdo Sky Walk
Oryukdo Sky Walk


The Oryukdo Sky Walk Experience

Arrival and Accessibility

Getting to the Oryukdo Sky Walk is relatively straightforward. The nearest major transportation hub is Busan Station, which is well connected by train and bus services. From Busan Station, you can take a local bus or a taxi directly to the Sky Walk. The journey offers scenic views of Busan's urban landscape gradually giving way to the coastal scenery.

For those driving, there is ample parking available near the site. Signage in English, Korean, and other languages is provided, ensuring that visitors can easily navigate their way.

Best Time to Visit

The Oryukdo Sky Walk is open year-round, but the best times to visit are during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November). During these periods, the weather is typically mild and clear, making for optimal viewing conditions. Visiting early in the morning or late in the afternoon can also enhance the experience, as these times offer softer lighting and fewer crowds.

Entrance and Tickets

Entrance to the Oryukdo Sky Walk is free, which makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers. However, it is advisable to check the official website or local tourism information centers for any updates or changes to this policy, as well as for information on any special events or temporary closures.



Exploring the Sky Walk

Structure and Design

The Sky Walk is constructed with tempered glass panels that provide a secure yet thrilling experience of walking on air. The glass is layered for extra strength, ensuring safety while allowing for a clear view of the sea beneath. Steel frames and railings provide additional support and security, allowing visitors to feel safe while enjoying the views.

The walkway extends 15 meters out from the cliff edge, curving slightly to maximize the viewing angles. As you step onto the glass floor, the sensation of floating above the sea can be both exhilarating and slightly unnerving. This innovative design not only offers an immersive experience but also demonstrates cutting-edge engineering.

Views and Scenery

The primary attraction of the Oryukdo Sky Walk is, of course, the stunning views. To the south, the seemingly endless expanse of the Sea of Japan stretches out, its waves crashing rhythmically against the base of the cliffs. To the north, the rugged coastline of Busan unfolds, dotted with fishing boats and occasional glimpses of marine wildlife.

The Oryukdo Islands themselves are a fascinating sight. Depending on the tides, you might see all six islets standing proudly above the water, or just five, with one partially submerged. The largest of these islands, Deungdae-seom, is home to a lighthouse, adding a picturesque element to the seascape.

On clear days, you can also spot Japan's Tsushima Island on the distant horizon, further emphasizing the Sky Walk's position as a bridge between land and sea.

Photo Opportunities

Given the dramatic scenery, the Oryukdo Sky Walk is a photographer's paradise. Whether you're an amateur with a smartphone or a professional with a DSLR, the site offers countless opportunities for stunning shots. The best spots for photos include:

The glass floor itself, capturing the thrilling perspective of standing above the waves.
The edge of the walkway, with the islands and sea as a backdrop.
The viewing platforms along the cliffs, providing panoramic views of the entire area.

It's recommended to use a wide-angle lens to fully capture the breadth of the scenery. Additionally, visiting during golden hour (shortly after sunrise or before sunset) can yield particularly striking photographs, with the soft, warm light adding depth and dimension to your images.

Oryukdo Sky Walk
Oryukdo Sky Walk


Additional Attractions and Activities

Hiking Trails

The area surrounding the Oryukdo Sky Walk is rich with hiking opportunities. Well-maintained trails wind along the coast, offering varying levels of difficulty to accommodate both casual walkers and serious hikers. One popular route is the Igidae Coastal Walk, which stretches for several kilometers and provides continuous views of the coastline.

These trails are dotted with rest areas, viewpoints, and informational signs about the local flora and fauna. Hiking here not only enhances your visit to the Sky Walk but also immerses you in the natural beauty of the region.

Marine Exploration

For those interested in marine life, the waters around Oryukdo are teeming with biodiversity. Local companies offer guided snorkeling and diving tours, allowing you to explore the underwater landscape. These tours provide all necessary equipment and are suitable for both beginners and experienced divers.

During your marine adventure, you might encounter various species of fish, sea urchins, and even the occasional octopus. The crystal-clear waters around the Oryukdo Islands are ideal for observing the vibrant marine ecosystem up close.

Cultural Experiences

Busan is a city rich in culture and history, and the area around the Oryukdo Sky Walk is no exception. Nearby, you can visit the Oryukdo Lighthouse, which has been guiding ships safely through the waters for decades. The lighthouse is accessible via a short hike and offers additional panoramic views of the sea and islands.

Additionally, local markets and eateries provide a taste of Busan's culinary delights. Seafood is a highlight here, with fresh catches brought in daily by local fishermen. Don't miss the opportunity to try dishes such as hoe (Korean sashimi), grilled mackerel, and spicy seafood stews.



Practical Tips for Visiting

What to Wear

Given the coastal location and the outdoor nature of the Sky Walk, it's important to dress appropriately. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are a must, especially if you plan to explore the surrounding hiking trails. Weather can be variable, so layering is advisable. A windbreaker or light jacket is useful, even in warmer months, as the sea breeze can be quite strong.

In terms of accessories, a hat and sunglasses will help protect you from the sun, while a small backpack can carry essentials like water, snacks, and a camera.

Safety Precautions

While the Oryukdo Sky Walk is designed with safety in mind, it's still important to follow some basic precautions:

Always stay within the designated areas and avoid leaning over the railings.
Supervise children closely, as the glass floor and open views can be disorienting.
Be mindful of wet or slippery surfaces, especially after rain.

In addition to these general tips, there are specific safety guidelines posted at the entrance to the Sky Walk. Take a moment to read these before stepping onto the structure.

Weather Considerations

The weather can significantly impact your experience at the Oryukdo Sky Walk. Check the forecast before your visit and be prepared for changes. On clear days, the views are spectacular, but even on overcast or rainy days, the Sky Walk can offer a dramatic, moody perspective of the sea and islands.

However, severe weather such as typhoons or heavy storms may result in temporary closures for safety reasons. It's a good idea to check the official website or contact local tourism information centers for up-to-date information on operating status.


The Oryukdo Sky Walk is designed to be accessible to all visitors. There are ramps and elevators available for those with mobility issues, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the stunning views. Additionally, informational materials are available in multiple languages, and staff are generally helpful and accommodating.



Oryukdo Sky Walk Conclusion

The Oryukdo Sky Walk is more than just a tourist attraction; it's a celebration of Busan's natural beauty and a testament to modern engineering. From the thrill of walking on glass above the sea to the serene vistas of the Oryukdo Islands, it offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

By planning your visit carefully, dressing appropriately, and taking advantage of the surrounding activities, you can make the most of your trip to this remarkable site. Whether you're a nature lover, a photography enthusiast, or simply looking for a new adventure, the Oryukdo Sky Walk is a must-visit destination that promises to leave a lasting impression.